
Nature connects - Take responsibility with a project or educational sponsorship

We specifically seek out and support projects in which nature conservation and nature education are combined in a special way. We would like to set further impulses of our own with our own projects.Protecting our natural resources requires action on the ground. At the same time, we are facing a global challenge. Young people benefit from intercultural exchange and experiences in a foreign country. We support children, teenagers and young adults with grants and scholarships and thus also their personal development.

Want to help usto search specifically for good projects and to propose them for implementation in other regions and countries? Is it also important to you that nature conservation is always linked to educational measures? Then support ourArea of activity 'Projects'.

With a PIENSA! project sponsorship you can support our own projects or projects with our cooperation partners. Your donation goes directly to the respective project. The required keywords (e.g. 'Project Sponsorship Change the World') can be found at the end of the project description. With a one-off payment of just €30, you can specifically support your "favorite project".

Is it important to you that children and young people from financially disadvantaged families can also take part in nature and environmental education events? Or do you also want to specifically support young adults in working on nature conservation projects and getting to know other cultures and their methods and techniques? Then support our Area of activity 'Grants and scholarships'.

With a PIENSA! educational sponsorship you can work with us to support young people directly and immediately. For example, with our 'Educational sponsorship Pablo', with which we have significantly expanded our commitment to committed volunteers since 2021. We focus on volunteer services in the countries of Central and South America.Help us to give committed young people this important experience and become one of our educational sponsors. You can find out more about the various projects in which our volunteers have been active here.

By the way: A project or educational sponsorship is an excellent gift for nature lovers. You can find out more at Giving nature and joy . Please feel free to contact us for individual gift ideas.
Our donation account:
PIENSA! Foundation for Nature Conservation and Nature Education
GLS Community Bank eG
IBAN DE84 4306 0967 6053 7598 00

Please indicate in the purpose
Project sponsorship or educational sponsorship and also the project or the respective topic / password. In addition, we need your address so that the donation can be clearly assigned.

If you would like to support our fields of activity in general, it is sufficient to state the respective funding purpose (projects or scholarships).

Of course, the sponsorship contribution is tax deductible as a donation.
Sie interessieren sich für eine Projekt- oder Bildungspatenschaft? Hier finden Sie aktuelle Aktionen. Unsere Strategie, gezielt nach guten Projekten zu suchen, können Sie auch ganz allgemein unterstützen. Im Namen der Natur und der jungen Menschen sagen wir herzlich Danke!
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