Funded projects

Funded projects

You won't find any funding guidelines or application forms here. We are actively looking for projects whose funding is possible according to our statutes and makes sense in terms of our strategy. We usually combine this funding with the desire to establish a long-term cooperation. But of course you can send us inquiries about funding your project at any time.
Foto: PIENSA!-Stiftung
The "Zukunftswiese" project: Schools from the social area of Schloss Freudenberg design their meadow with
How would it be if pupils from schools in the immediate vicinity of Freudenberg Castle were to make the meadow and pasture area on the edge of the castle park "their future meadow"? The project convinced us for various reasons.

The PIENSA! Foundation has been supporting the "Zukunftswiese" project since autumn 2023. At the beginning of March 2024, we had the opportunity to take part in one of the educational workshops with a 4th grade class from the Schelmengraben elementary school. A great experience - for us too!
Jede Woche einmal raus in die Natur - Naturnachmittage an der Hohbuchschule Reutlingen
The idea came about in 2019 during a pedagogical day. The nature afternoon is now implemented with a lot of joy, creativity and enthusiasm for all classes at the Hohbuchschule Reutlingen. With each day spent outside, the children become more familiar with their surroundings, go on a journey of discovery and enjoy being active in nature.

The PIENSA! Foundation has been supporting the project carried out by the school's support association since 2021. The concept, which is supported by the commitment of the educators employed by the support association and includes the use of extracurricular learning locations, is exemplary for other schools and regions.
"Kidszone" at the Fasanerie Wiesbaden: Digital offers for children and young people
In der "Kidszone" der Fasanerie Wiesbaden können Kinder spielerisch Wissenswertes rund um die Natur entdecken. Auf der Internetseite der Stadt Wiesbaden gibt es hierfür einen eigenen Bereich, der im Sommer 2021 gestartet ist und gut angenommen wird. Das Ziel ist es, Kinder vor dem PC „abzuholen“ um sie für den Gang und das Erlebnis in und mit der Natur zu begeistern. Aber man kann auch online schon etwas lernen, zum Beispiel im regelmäßig aktualisierten "Hingucker des Monats". 

Die PIENSA!-Stiftung fördert dieses neue Projekt des Naturpädagogischen Zentrums von Beginn an und wird sich nach der geleisteten "Starthilfe" auch inhaltlich einbringen. 
Foto: Macedonian Ecological Society (MES)
Children as ambassadors for the Balkan lynx: educational and communication measures in the BLRP
The future fate of the Balkan lynx lies in the hands of the next generation. With these words, the EuroNatur Foundation describes why it is also relying on children as lynx ambassadors to save the lynx species, which is threatened with extinction with fewer than 50 animals.

The EuroNatur Foundation is part of an international coalition that has been working for many years to preserve the subspecies of the Eurasian lynx living in North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo as part of the "Balkan Lynx Recovery Program (BLRP)". The PIENSA! Foundation has been supporting this project since 2020, especially the educational and communication measures that are considered important.
Photo: Jennifer Harris
Dialog mit Bäumen - eine neue Kultur im Miteinander von Mensch und Baum
A sunny weekend in late summer 2021 in Wiesbaden: the trees in the park of Freudenberg Castle still have their full leaves, even if one or two are already changing color slightly. The wind creates a play of light on the forest floor and in addition to the visual impressions, you can listen carefully to the sounds in the park.

From October 1 to 3, 2021, the three-day conference 'Dialogue with Trees' took place in the park of Freudenberg Castle. The PIENSA! Foundation supported the project with a grant, enabling students to participate at reduced participation fees. And as part of a special campaign, two of our supporters were able to take part in the event.
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