Die Stiftung

Die Stiftung

PIENSA! or ¡PIENSA! – in Spanish spelling with an additional special character at the beginning – means something like "Think about it!" in German. In adults, experiences often lead to conscious processing and reflection. For children and young people, however, experiences usually trigger unconscious and intuitive learning processes that can shape future attitudes and actions. The guiding principle that the founders of the foundation have given is therefore: "Experiences are the actions of tomorrow."

Our concern ...

Die PIENSA!-Stiftung ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung mit Sitz in Wiesbaden. Gemäß unserer Satzung wollen wir den Naturschutz nachhaltig in der Gesellschaft verankern. 

Dies bedeutet für uns, dass wir Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen Erfahrungen in der Natur ermöglichen wollen. 

Lesen Sie mehr dazu in der Kurzbeschreibung unserer Vision und unserer Mission ...

Sustainability is a frequently used term. It is not new, but it is nevertheless the key to shaping the future.

Did you know

Our modern world with digital media and global mobility offers us many opportunities to impart knowledge and promote exchange.

PIENSA! steht für ... 

THINK! ...

Internationally networked ...

... because our partners are active not only in Germany but also in other countries

... because we can only bring about change together

... because our natural resources are at risk

Schools promote ...

... because schools are places where we can reach young people worldwide

... because not only knowledge about nature, but also experience and learning in nature are important

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