For Kids

Für Kids

What's new and interesting for our kids? What events are taking place for and with children and young people? And what should you definitely know as a prospective conservationist?
Photo: Fasanerie Wiesbaden

Kidszone information center: Material pool for teachers, carers & co. - and lots of exciting and interesting information for our kids

Hey kids, do you already know the Kidszone information desk? Now that it's finally spring, you're probably looking forward to your next trip to our Wiesbaden pheasantry. But before that happens, you can get some information in the information desk. What is there to see? And what should you know about the animals and plants? Your parents will be amazed at how much you know about the animals on your first tour and how much you can tell them.

But you can also visit the pheasantry with your school. The "profiles" and the "smart fox tips" are also designed for trips with the whole class. Just tell your teacher and suggest using the material before your next trip to the pheasantry. By the way: At our "SwopShop Changing the World" you can get vouchers for a trip with your class. A trip to the Fasanerie or to other exciting places in Wiesbaden. Do you want to know more?
Photo: Fasanerie Wiesbaden

Der Winter ist da: Was ihr über Zugvögel und den Schutz der hier bei uns überwinternden Vögel wissen müsst 

Now it's finally here, winter is here! Are you happy about it? Or do you just not like it when it's so cold outside? In the current issue of "Kidszone" you can learn what you can do for the birds in the garden during the cold season and how to make a winter feeding station out of a toilet paper roll.

But as always, there is much more in the Kidszone: In the "Smart Fox Tips" you will find out, for example, why some birds do not stay with us - even if you make a feeding station and hang it in the garden or on the balcony. But where do the birds fly or "migrate" to? We say "migrate" because the birds that fly away are migratory birds. Read more about it and see on a map the further route some birds take. Simply click on the following link.

Hey kids, are you waiting for the new "KiKA Award"? It's taking a break and won't be back until 2024

Are you also waiting for the new "KiKA Award"? For the exciting projects and the big live show? Then you'll have to wait a little longer. Because the "KiKa Award" is taking a break in 2023.

In 2024, the channel will be back in full swing and you can look forward to big stars, great ideas and exciting projects. The KiKA Award will then once again celebrate you and your stars and everyone who helps to make the world a little better.
Photo: Fasanerie Wiesbaden

Neues aus der "Kidszone" der Fasanerie: Der Fuchs als "Hingucker" und vieles mehr 

Did you know that badgers can't smell foxes? Really? Yes, badgers can smell foxes, but they don't like the way foxes smell. That's why badgers prefer to avoid foxes in the wild.

Everything you need to know about the foxes in the Fasanerie and the red foxes that live in our natural surroundings can be found in the current issue of the "Kidszone" at the Fasanerie. In addition to the film "Eye-catchers at the Fasanerie", there is a profile and a craft tip about the fox. But take a look for yourself...

„KiKA Award“ 2022 - Kinder und Jugendliche werden für ihr Engagement ausgezeichnet

It's almost that time again! The "KiKA Award" is starting a new edition. In a total of three preliminary broadcasts, 15 innovative project ideas from committed children and young people will compete for one of a total of nine coveted final places. According to the verdict of the four-member children's jury, who will reach the big "KiKA Award" live show in Erfurt, which will be shown on KiKA on November 18, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. and can be accessed on

In the live show, children and young people will be awarded who innovative ideas make important contributions to our social coexistence or to protecting the environment. The KiKA Award is given in four project categories. The "For Our Planet" category is about commitment to our earth, nature or animals.
Foto: Jan Mailänder auf Pixabay

Tropical Forest Day is celebrated every year on September 14

Since 1989, September 14th has been the day on which the impending destruction of the rainforests is highlighted all over the world.The WWF took the birthday of the important naturalist Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) as an opportunity to draw attention to the threat to tropical forests.
Unfortunately, the destruction of the tropical forests that are so important for humans and animals has become much worse in recent years. In Brazil in particular, the forests are being destroyed at an ever-increasing rate. And not just in the Amazon region, but now also along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

Do you know why tropical forests are so important and what we can all do to protect them? There are lots of tips and a short film about Tropical Forest Day at Logo!

Playground Earth - With Robin through nature: Environmental podcast for children

Robin ist eigentlich ein ganz normales Mädchen im Grundschulalter und doch hat sie einige besondere Fähigkeiten: Durch ihre Liebe zur Natur kann sie Tiere und Pflanzen verstehen und mit ihnen reden. Und nicht nur das: Sie kann auch fliegen. Mit ihren zwei besten Freunden Arbor, dem Baum, und Blättchen, der Weinbergschnecke nehmen sie die Kinder mit auf ihre Reise durch die Natur.

Das Team von "Spielplatz Erde" erstellt einen Podcast für Kinder im Alter von 4 bis 7 Jahren. Aber auch die kleineren oder größeren Geschwister können reinhören. Und das Tolle ist: An jedem ersten des Monats gibt es für dich eine neue Geschichte von Robin und ihren Freunden!

Schulstunde der Wintervögel in 2022 mit einem "Kriminalfall im Schnee" 

Why does the jay bury acorns in the ground and why does the robin puff itself up into a ball of feathers when it is particularly cold? Children can explore these and other exciting questions in the "Winter Birds School Lesson". The 2022 edition also featured an exciting criminal case.

With this campaign, NAJU invites all teachers and group leaders to get to know and observe birds with children. The campaign accompanies the "Hour of Winter Birds", with which NABU calls on people throughout Germany to count and report birds in residential areas for an hour every January. And the great thing is: the children's results are of course included in the results of the count.
Foto: 1&1 Ionos Bilderpool

Protection for our soil

Soils store water, energy, nutrients and other resources.Soil is vital for people, animals and plants. Good soil is a prerequisite for clean water, food and raw materials. Every child knows that, right?

By the way, there are 46 species of earthworm that eat through the earth and thus contribute significantly to soil quality. Did you know that? But unfortunately: dDue to inappropriate use, pollution (toxic substances, waste, oil) or construction, 600,000 square kilometers of soil are lost every year.
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