SwopShop Changing the world: 4 times 4 - I swap with you
Updated: 22.02.2024 - PIENSA! Foundation
Climate change, species extinction, destruction of our natural resources - how do we manage to sustainably anchor environmental and nature conservation in our society?
Young people can be a key to bringing about the urgently needed change. Early, positive experiences in and with nature are crucial for personal development and responsibleAct. And sustainability is the key to a better future. But only those who know how to do it and what is important can make the world a little better.
In many schools, environmental education and experiences in nature are offered too rarely. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is known from the curricula, but "learning to change the world" is often neglected. Taking part in ESD offers in one's free time is expensive and not possible for many families. That is why schools are important partners in preparing young people to change the world.n.
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Photos: PIENSA!-Stiftung
But what is a SwopShop? And what inspired us to come up with this idea? We describe this in our project outline and also explain how this project initiative fits into the longer-term strategy of the PIENSA! Foundation.
Objective of the project:
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is the basis for creating a better and more sustainable world. With our project, we want to strengthen ESD offerings in Wiesbaden and gradually establish them in schools.
There are already many good offers in the field of environmental education, nature education and ESD in Wiesbaden. A wide range of education providers have joined forces in the ESD network, which is promoted by the Hessian Ministry of the Environment. The aim of the network is to enable young and old people to experience nature and to work towards a sustainable lifestyle and sustainable economy. Children and young people play a key role for various reasons. And we can reach them primarily through schools. We are therefore committed to ensuring that the offers from the network are known and accepted in as many schools as possible. Because so far not all schools have been able to accept offers from the network.
Our project will focus specifically on the topic of “waste”. The UDealing with it is an obvious social problem that is visible to all. Garbage is a major burden on nature. The habitats of animals and plants, in the forest, in the streams and also in our city, are sometimes severely affected. And ultimately, we humans are also affected in many ways.
In unserem "SwopShop Weltverändern" können Schulklassen nach einer Müllsammelaktion den Abfall gegen Naturerlebnis-Aktionen oder BNE-Angebote unserer Netzwerkpartner eintauschen. Neben dem Natur-Event für die gesamte Klasse hält der SwopShop nützliche und zum Teil selbst hergestellte Upcyclingprodukte als unmittelbare Belohnung für die "Weltveränderer" bereit.
Das Angebot richtet sich grundsätzlich an alle Schulen und Schulformen. Den Fokus liegt im ersten Schritt auf Grundschulen, insbesondere in Stadtteilen mit sozialer Bedarfslage, da dort viele Kinder aus verschiedenen Gründen oft keinen Zugang zu diesen Angeboten haben.
Das Projekt kann mit dem vom Hessischen Umweltministerium initiierten "Schuljahr der Nachhaltigkeit" (SdN) verknüpft werden. Das SdN hat zum Ziel, nachhaltige Entwicklungen im gesamten Schulleben zu verankern. Denkbar ist, das Schulen aus dem Kreis der SdN-Schulen sich für die Teilnahme am Projekt entscheiden. Schulen können über den SwopShop allerdings auch den Einstieg in das Schuljahr der Nachhaltigkeit finden.
Darüber hinaus wird die Zusammenarbeit mit bereits etablierten Cleanup-Initiativen in Wiesbaden angestrebt, um bewährte Abläufe und Erfahrungen bei den Müllsammelaktionen zu nutzen. In den Jahren 2022 und 2023 wollen wir zunächst bis zu vier Schulen für das Projekt gewinnen, wobei das Konzept an einer Pilotschule erprobt und anschließend an weiteren Schulen durchgeführt wird.
Current project status (as of February 22nd.2024):
The project will be completed in spring 2023.Pilot phase successfully completed.The pilot school was the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Schule, a primary school in downtown Wiesbaden. In autumn 2023, another school was added, the Ludwig-Beck-Schule in Wiesbaden-Biebrich. In 2024, the SwopShop campaigns are to be continued at these schools and another two to three schools are to be included.
The project was launched in
May 2022 with a presentation at the 2nd Wiesbaden Education Conference.
The first phase was
a grant from the R V Insurance Mission Together and financed through its own resources. The German Postcode Lottery has granted funding to continue and expand the project (to up to five schools in 2024). Additional funds are generated from ongoing donations and through the "Project Sponsorship World Change".
In autumn 2022, a cooperation with the Cleanup Wiesbaden initiative was agreed.
In order to be able to carry out the cleanups with up to 100 students, existing equipment is constantly being replaced and additional material such as gloves, grabbers and collection buckets are being procured. The garbage collections and the implementation of the SwopShop campaigns are also ensured by volunteer supporters of the PIENSA! Foundation.
The pilot was carried out in a two-stage process from July 2022 to March 2023
with more than 130 students from the 3rd grade of our pilot school. As part of the testing, the concept was gradually refined and adapted based on the experiences gained. Part of the pilot was also the support of an art and upcycling project that was thematically related to the cleanup and Swopshop campaigns as part of the afternoon care. The expansion of the project scope in this sense is being sought. We have impressions of the first SwopShop campaign in summer 2022 in a
A detailed documentation of the activities carried out at the various schools is currently being prepared.
The first phase will be completed with the expansion of the project to a second school in 2023 and the preparation of the participation of other schools from spring 2024
The focus in selecting further schools is currently on districts with social needs. Despite the funding commitment from the German Postcode Lottery, a permanent presence in these schools and only gradual expansion remains an important objective of the project. We are now receiving initial inquiries from other regions with the aim of introducing the project in this or a similar form there as well. The possibilities of supporting or even actively accompanying an expansion to neighboring districts and other regions are currently being examined.
Die Müllsammlungen bei den SwopShop-Aktionen werden in Kooperationen mit Cleanup Wiesbaden
organisiert und durchgeführt. Durch diese Kooperation wird das Sammeln von Abfall im näheren Umfeld der Schule oder in den benachbarten Parks und Grünanlagen zu einem besonderen Erlebnis für die Schülerinnen und Schüler.
Cleanup Wiesbaden has been committed for many years Under the motto "The ocean begins here" we hold regular cleanups and team events to raise awareness of the problem of "garbage in nature".The regular events take place on the Rhine in Wiesbaden-Biebrich. There, the initiative has taken over the sponsorship of a section of the Rhine bank. Cleanup events with groups are also organized and supported in other locations.
Education providers:
The PIENSA! Foundation has been working in the Wiesbaden network "Education for Sustainable Development" (ESD network) since 2019. The idea for the project arose from this work.
Für die erste Phase waren Bildungsangebote des naturpädagogischen Zentrums derFasanerie Wiesbadenund weiterer Netzwerkpartner vorgesehen. Das Naturpädagogische Zentrum der Fasanerie ist zertifizierter Bildungsort für nachhaltige Entwicklung und hat im Jahr 2022 die Koordination desWiesbadener BNE-Netzwerks übernommen.
The Freudenberg Castle
with the field of experience for the development of the senses and thinking is also aCertified as an educational center for sustainable development and part of the ESD network in Wiesbaden. Under the motto "The Freudenberg as a classroom!" the castle and its park become a place of learning and experience.
The tours accompany you on a walk through the experience area. All tours are also offered as workshops and are available to participating schools. In workshops, perception is deepened and the children also get to do things.
Further offers:
Further offers from the BNE network Wiesbaden, for examplel from the Hof Armada educational farm, the Wiesbaden Museum, the children's and youth gallery or guided tours and activities in the city forest can also be arranged on request.
There are also plans to gradually expand the options for participating schools with regard to educational providers and learning locations. Schools can also submit their own suggestions for offers and excursions in the regular review of the SwopShop campaigns.
Funding partners:
The aim of stabilising the project after the pilot phase and expanding it to other schools will be achieved by German Postcode Lottery
We were very pleased about the funding approval in December 2023.
The mission of the social lottery is to make the world a better place for people and nature. To this end, important and courageous projects are supported over the long term. In addition, lottery participants and the public are made aware of the projects being supported.
Classification in the strategy:
The project"SwopShop Changing the World: 4 times 4 - I swap with you" is the starting point for the long-term strategy, to persuade schools in Wiesbaden and schools in the Rhine-Main and Taunus regions to integrate extracurricular learning locations into their everyday school life more regularly than before.Offers from nature education and ESD should be accessible and used across all grade levels.This requires
On the one hand, the financing of such measures in the schools themselves is to be secured. On the other hand, the gradual expansion of the existing offers in the network of educational providers is to be supported and thus the development of educational landscapes is to be promoted.
You too can support our project "Swopshop World Change: 4 times 4 - I swap with you" by completing a project sponsorship
(Keyword in the intended purpose: "Project Sponsorship Change the World").
You can find more information about our project and educational sponsorships