Supporting membership

Nature needs strong friends - Stay by our side and become a supporting member

We see our collaboration with our partners as a long-term commitment. As a young foundation, we work with organizations and partners whose offerings are established and who have many years of experience in nature conservation or nature education. Our work follows clear strategic guidelines.

With a PIENSA! Supporting Membership give us and our partners planning security and help to provide and further improve proven nature education offerings, even in difficult times. The current Corona pandemic in particular shows how important it is to stand by your partners in the long term. Instead of holding educational events, existing programs are being revised, new concepts created and the foundation laid for an expansion and improvement of the offerings.

As a supporting member, you also enable us to develop new projects together with our partners. The preparation of project initiatives often involves a considerable amount of effort. In addition to the funding, a large amount of your own money is usually required to implement the projects. A supporting membership helps us to plan for the long term and to prepare initiatives and projects well.

You can become a PIENSA! supporting member with just €5 per month or an annual payment of €60. Simply set up a standing order or transfer the amount to our account. Of course, you can also support us with a higher amount. Our first supporting member in 2020 decided on a monthly amount of €20. We are very happy because this means that the supporting membership has fourfold impact!
By the way: A supporting membership is an excellent gift for nature lovers. You can find out more at
Giving nature and joy . Please feel free to contact us for individual gift ideas.
Our donation account:
PIENSA! Foundation for Nature Conservation and Nature Education
GLS Community Bank eG
IBAN DE84 4306 0967 6053 7598 00

Please indicate in the purpose field the Keyword supporting membershipand your address for clear identification. Annual or monthly payments are possible.

The supporting membership can be terminated at any time without any formalities by email, post or telephone.

Of course, your contribution is tax deductible as a donation.
Nur dauerhaftes Engagement kann gesellschaftliche Veränderungen bewirken. Bleiben Sie deshalb an unserer Seite und werden Sie Fördermitglied. Gemeinsam können wir viel erreichen. Als Fördermitglied erhalten Sie eine Urkunde, exklusive Informationen zu unserer Arbeit und werden regelmäßig zu Veranstaltungen eingeladen. 

Und da ist noch etwas: Für jedes Fördermitglied, welches wir in einem Jahr gewinnen können, pflanzen wir am Ende des Jahres einen Baum. Einen Baum zu pflanzen symbolisiert, an die Zukunft zu glauben und zugleich, dass aus etwas Kleinem etwas ganz Großes werden kann. Seien Sie dabei! 
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