About Us

Experiences are the actions of tomorrow

About Us

Get to know us

In spring 2016, we took a long break from our professional commitments. The idea for our foundation was born on a trip that took us all over Spain.

We chose Andalusia for our first longer stay. We saw a lot of this country in the south of Spain and started learning a new language in a small town in the Sierra de Cádiz. This enriched us greatly and encouraged us to tackle new challenges with joy and courage.
After further stops, the journey to Asturien. There we got to know the wild and green north of Spain - and we had the opportunity to work on a nature conservation project. During this time we were able to gain a lot of experience in the impressive nature of the Cantabrian Mountains and also learned a lot about the challenges associated with protecting nature. But at the same time we saw that with perseverance and determination you can overcome resistance and bring about change.

It took us more than two years to turn the idea of our foundation into reality. At this point, a new journey began on which we hope to have many new experiences.
"Am nachhaltigsten sind Investitionen in die Bildung und die Betreuung unserer Kinder." 
Susanne Haas, geboren 1967, arbeitet seit 1993 für die R+V Versicherung in Wiesbaden. 
Als gelernte Rechtsanwaltsgehilfin hat sie im Bereich Beitragseinzug begonnen und nach einem berufsbegleitenden Studium zur Betriebswirtin VWA in verschiedenen Aufgabenbereichen gearbeitet. Verantwortlich für die Betreuung und Beratung der Fachbereiche hat sie in ihrer Funktion Projekte geleitet und fachliche Themen rund um die IT Facharchitektur betreut. 

Seit Anfang 2019 arbeitet sie in Teilzeit als Organisatorin im Bereich des zentralen Benutzerservice der R+V Versicherung. Für den Aufbau der Stiftung hat sie im Jahr 2018 an der Fundraising Akademie in Frankfurt am Main die einjährige Fortbildung zur Stiftungsmanagerin (FA) mit Erfolg abgeschlossen. 

Stefan Haas, born in 1968, worked for the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt am Main for more than 25 years after studying business administration at the University of Mainz. After working in the branch area and heading the organizational department at a head office, he held a management position in operational controlling for a long time. Since the foundation was founded, he has been active as a part-time employee, primarily in the bank's projects, most recently working in the field of economic education. Until his retirement in October 2023, he was a lecturer at the Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences, committed to recruiting and training young talent.

Since November 2023, Stefan has been working "full-time" on the foundation's tasks. After completing the start-up phase, many additional activities have been restarted, particularly in the area of "cooperation, partnerships and projects" for which he is responsible, which requires concentration and focus on the foundation.
"Your awareness could protect our nature more than our generation can."
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