Die Stiftung wurde im November 2018 als gemeinnützige Stiftung anerkannt. Anfang 2019 sind wir mit unserer Arbeit gestartet. Die Stiftung wird von einem ehrenamtlich arbeitenden Vorstand geleitet. Darüber hinaus haben wir erste Unterstützer*innen gefunden, die wir im Folgenden gerne vorstellen.
The board currently consists of two members and works exclusively on a voluntary basis.
In addition to organizing the foundation's work and maintaining networks, the work of the board is divided into the following areas of work and responsibility:
Since the areas of responsibility are strongly linked to each other, close and flexible cooperation is required.
The board works together on concepts and content, particularly in the preparation of the first project initiatives and in the areas of communication and marketing.
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... ist verantwortlich für den Aufbau und die Pflege der Kooperationen und koordiniert die Projekte der Stiftung. Darüber hinaus organisiert er die Finanzen und die Vermögensanlage.
The board can be expanded to include another member. As soon as this has happened, the distribution of work will be reviewed and redefined in the expanded board.
We support the work of the PIENSA! Foundation ...
"I am thrilled that in the school projects of the PIENSA! Foundation, "holism" is not just a word, but is actually implemented in a way that children can experience."
As a religious education teacher, Ulrike looks back on 44 years of teaching at primary and lower secondary schools. Topics such as the preservation and responsible use of creation have always been part of her teaching. Ulrike is concerned that sensory and holistic experiences for children and young people are not increasing, but rather decreasing. That is why she is working with us to ensure that direct encounters and interaction with the nature that surrounds us become an integral part of school education.
"Die Natur braucht uns nicht - aber wir brauchen die Natur. Deshalb ist es eine wichtige Aufgabe, Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen die Natur wieder näher zu bringen."
What grows where and how do you best deal with the diversity in the garden? This is a topic that Olga knows a lot about. And in her opinion, this is exactly what we should teach young people again.
Olga has been supporting the PIENSA! Foundation since 2020 in the preparation of events and fundraising. This is where she brings her creativity. In addition, Olga contributes ideas for projects that can help young people gain more knowledge about species.
„Save the World - there is no Planet B.“
Every inhabitant of the earth bears responsibility for the use of the resources of our unique planet.
As a mother of four (adult) children, Stephanie has continually worked to incorporate this responsibility towards people and nature into their upbringing.
Stephanie supports the meaningful work of the PIENSA! Foundation to draw children's and young people's attention to nature and thus convey the importance of nature and the environment for our lives.