In addition to individual initiatives such as Graciela’s, the state also has a vision for thefuture, which I would like to briefly summarize here. The idea of the Argentine state is totype of circular economy, although we are still far from it.should be recycled more to reduce contamination. This recycling should beReuse of raw materials or generate biogas for energy productionThrough better state-organized recycling, the “cartoneros” are to beinformal sector and thus better working conditionsThe changes are therefore not only intended to create a more livable environmentbut also have major social and economic impacts.
A very simple and quite cheap measure would be if everyone had a compost bin inhis or her garden. This would reduce overall waste by 50%(Figures apply worldwide). The garbage collectors, however, would not be interested in this, as theyKilos of collected waste and thus 50% less waste could be collectedand 50% less income. It would also be a great benefit for the community, as theywould have to pay less and the CEAMSE would be filled much less quickly. Why thisIt is unclear to me whether this measure has not yet been implemented. If you do not have any compost yet,I can only recommend that you get one in Germany too. Because even ifCompost is collected separately in Germany, you can only use your own compostguarantee that your organic waste will be turned back into soil and that the waste will notbe burned unnecessarily or end up in a landfill.
What we can all learn and take with us is, in my opinion, the following:
In my research I came across another system and found that theThe system in Germany has a huge advantage. For me, this is that everyEvery citizen in Germany has to pay directly for waste disposal.pays more if you want to dispose of more and a larger capacity of theGarbage can, and less if you produce less garbage. Because this guaranteesensure that waste is regularly collected, properly disposed of and recycled and thatWorkers are paid fairly.
Of course, we can still improve a lot in Germany, especially when it comes to recyclingand in the previous step the avoidance of plastic in general. The reduction andAvoiding plastic is perhaps the most important measure worldwide to reduceGarbage. But in many cases there is a lack of education, knowledge and the will to change.As in Germany, many things are unnecessarily packaged in plastic.handled plastic bags carelessly and thoughtlessly.
In this context, I would like to tell a story about Graciela. She always went tothe same fruit shop and had her fruit and vegetables automatically packed in plastic bags.She said that she did not want that because she only buys the fruit and vegetables and for the plasticnot pay. Therefore, she unpacked the fruit and vegetables from the bags and left themThe sellers did not understand this at first, as they always sold the fruit and vegetables inplastic bags and did not question their behavior out of habit. After a fewShopping, they understood that Graciela brings her own bags and that not every time
a new bag is necessary.
Today, in the same shop, there is a sign saying that you should be careful withto deal with the plastic bags lying around. This story is intended to show that a changeand rethinking is possible, even if it seems difficult or unpleasant at first.Of course, this does not change the world and does not solve our problem with plastic, butsmall steps to get started.For this, it is important to impart knowledge and support critical questioning. This is exactlyis one of the self-imposed tasks of the NGO “Patrimonio Natural”. With itsThrough lectures, speeches and guided tours, she helps to provide food for thought. She imparts knowledge tochildren, for example, who then tell their parents what they have learned and these (formerlyor later) into action.