However, it is relatively difficult to formulate a single definition for permaculture, since permaculture as a kind of philosophy of life can now refer to a wide variety of areas of social, educational, political or agricultural levels.Mollinson's definition is the original idea of permaculture and has been steadily evolving since the 1970s and expanding to other areas of life.
Normally, on a conventional cocoa farm, as many cocoa plants as possible are planted in straight rows. To increase production, pests and (fungal) diseases are combated with pesticides.
In contrast, here in Caimito, the idea of permaculture can be found in some parts of the fincas. In addition to the terraces already mentioned, the fincas aim to achieve the highest possible biodiversity.
The design of a cocoa plot provides for an outer edge of fruit trees or fruit forest. These produce a special aroma of the cocoa fruit and attract a variety of animals that distribute the seeds of different plants. A cocoa plot is created in the center of the plot with the help of productive succession, the succession of different plant communities. In preparation, old trees are felled or sorted out so that only a few large, shade-giving trees or palm trees remain.