
Was ist Permakultur? Und was geht noch? Unser Alltag und unsere eigenen Projekte in Caimito

27.05.2022 - Leon Heinrich and Valentin Erb
6:30 a.m., the alarm clock rings. The day begins groggy. After a hearty breakfast of plantains, rice and fish, we head to the neighboring village of Quingüe at 8 a.m. Today, a "minga", a community work session, is taking place on the finca of a member of the association. We'll tell you what we've learned about planting a new cocoa plot according to the principles of permaculture and what else we're doing in our second report.
Photo: Valentin Erb
First, let’s talk about our work on the finca:

Today, together with the group, we are preparing a new permaculture plot. This involves felling old, non-productive trees, chipping them and creating so-called "curvas de nivel". These are terraces that are intended to make working on the slopes of the finca easier and also ensure better water retention in the soil.

For lunch we have a "Tonga" that we have brought with us, a typical dish made of chicken, rice and plantain, which is prepared in a banana leaf. After the meal, the remaining terraces are finished and the first locations for the first seedlings are located. We are explained the design of the new plot, which takes into account different types of plants and fruits, shade and light conditions and wild forest areas.

A total of five different types of cocoa are sown in order to determine, in a kind of long-term study, which type performs best on the local soil. The working day ends at 3 p.m. and we collapse exhausted into the hammock.
On days like today we learn a lot about the scope of permaculture and its implementation here in Caimito. But what exactly is permaculture?

One of the two founding fathers of permaculture, Bill Mollison, explains permaculture as follows: "Permaculture is about the design of sustainable human settlements. It is a philosophy and concept of land use that combines annual and perennial plants, animals, soil, water management and human needs into complex, interconnected productive communities."
However, it is relatively difficult to formulate a single definition for permaculture, since permaculture as a kind of philosophy of life can now refer to a wide variety of areas of social, educational, political or agricultural levels.Mollinson's definition is the original idea of permaculture and has been steadily evolving since the 1970s and expanding to other areas of life.

Normally, on a conventional cocoa farm, as many cocoa plants as possible are planted in straight rows. To increase production, pests and (fungal) diseases are combated with pesticides.

In contrast, here in Caimito, the idea of permaculture can be found in some parts of the fincas. In addition to the terraces already mentioned, the fincas aim to achieve the highest possible biodiversity.

The design of a cocoa plot provides for an outer edge of fruit trees or fruit forest. These produce a special aroma of the cocoa fruit and attract a variety of animals that distribute the seeds of different plants. A cocoa plot is created in the center of the plot with the help of productive succession, the succession of different plant communities. In preparation, old trees are felled or sorted out so that only a few large, shade-giving trees or palm trees remain.
Foto: Valentin Erb
After the terraces have been created, short-cycle plants such as papaya, banana, yuca, corn and beans are sown between the cocoa trees.
Photo: Valentin Erb
Diese sind zunächst konkurrenzstärker und wachsen schneller. So schaffen sie den nötigen Schatten für die heranwachsenden Kakaopflanzen und liefern Biomasse und Nährstoffe. Sobald der Kakao größer wird, verschwinden mit den einjährigen Pflanzen wie Yuca, Mais und Bohnen die ersten Pflanzengruppen. Nach weiteren Jahren können auch die Bananen und Papayas geerntet werden und verlieren durch das Wachsen der Kakaobäume an Konkurrenzfähigkeit. So steht nach einigen Jahren eine produktive Kakaoparzelle mit nur noch vereinzelten Bananen und Papayapflanzen.

Diese „Minimonokultur“ ist allerdings nur ein kleiner Abschnitt der gesamten Finca. Neben mehreren dieser Kakaoparzellen, ist ein Teil der Finca meist ein unberührter Wald. Auch ein Wasserspeicher ist meist Teil des Designs und wird teilweise durch das Fließen durch die Finca zur Trinkwassergewinnung genutzt.

Auch in den Wohnhäusern bzw. dem Zentrum von Caimito finden sich Aspekte der Permakultur wieder. Von uns angestoßen haben wir in zwei Wochen verschiedenste Elemente dieser im Gemeindezentrum umgesetzt. Gemeinsam mit der Gemeinde, vor allem der Jugend, haben wir uns Projekte überlegt und unser gelerntes Wissen sowie weitere Impulse aus der Gemeinschaft in den zwei Projektwochen umgesetzt. Dazu zählt ein Mülltrennungssystem, in dem wir versuchen so wenig wie möglich Müll auf die Mülldeponie schicken zu müssen. 
We are also building a biofilter for the grey water from the kitchen and shower. Soap, detergent and dishwashing liquid are converted into nutrients that plants can absorb in a kind of compost and the water is “pumped” into the atmosphere through the banana plants.

We also build a compost for organic waste. With the dry toilet, the biofilter and the compost we create a material cycle through which nutrients can be returned to the finca and used to produce new fruit.
Finally, we will create an educational trail that explains the compost, the biofilter, the dry toilet and waste separation and illustrates them with symbols. We want to ensure that tourists understand the aspects of permaculture and perhaps take them home with them.
Foto: Valentin Erb
Interestingly, Ecuador's constitution contains an indigenous concept of living in harmony with nature: the originally indigenous philosophy of life of "Sumak Kawsay", Kitchwa for the good life or Buen Vivir, shows parallels to the philosophy of permaculture in its approach to nature. But more on that next time.
Until then, best regards,

Leon and Valentin
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