Detail_Educational concept for orchards

"Diversity on our doorstep: Orchards as a place of learning and experience"

Updated: 14.07.2022 - PIENSA! Foundation
Meadow orchards were created by humans. And in the past, they were used intensively for agricultural purposes, partly because of their proximity to villages and towns.
Today, meadow orchards are still part of the cultural landscape. However, from today's perspective, they can no longer be described as intensively used areas. On the contrary: they represent a jewel of biodiversity and a refuge for ournative wildlife.

"Diversity on our doorstep: Orchard meadows as a place of learning and experience" is the name of our first own project initiative. We started this in spring 2020 and thus also found a motto for the 'Wiesbaden Orchard Meadows Education Concept' planned in 2019. The project is to be implemented step by step and linked to existing initiatives for orchard care. In addition, existing and successfully practiced concepts in which orchard meadows are used as an extracurricular learning location can be supported and used as models.

Below we describe the current status of our project:
Photos: PIENSA!-Stiftung
Objective of the project:
There are more than 40,000 fruit trees in Wiesbaden and its suburbs. There are still many orchards, especially in the eastern suburbs. They are among the most species-rich habitats. Nature is uniquely beautiful in spring, when the trees are in full bloom. But orchards are also an ideal place in all other seasons to experience biodiversity and learn something about the special significance of this old cultural landscape.
The aim of the project is to make children and young people aware of the value of this biotope and its need for protection. In addition, children and young people from Wiesbaden and its suburbs should identify more strongly with this part of the "cultural landscape on their doorstep" and actively work to protect it.

The project is planned to run for several years and generally requires cooperation from and with schools in Wiesbaden. If necessary, schools in the Wiesbaden region will also be approached. We want to test the concept and individual measures through a pilot project, incorporating or linking existing initiatives and projects.
The rough concept provides for three fundamentally independent content blocks. These are developed separately and, if necessary, introduced separately.
1. Offer teaching materials and teaching concepts as well as (supplementary) teacher training
2. Offer Implementation/accompaniment of excursions, project days and project weeks with schools
3. Initiation of school sponsorships for orchards (if necessary differentiated for different types of schools)
Zielsetzung ist, Wiesbadener Schulen in einem ersten Schritt Angebote für die Nutzung der Streuobstwiesen als außerschulischem Lernort zu machen. In weiteren Schritten sollen sie für ein langfristiges Engagement beziehungsweise für eine dauerhafte Nutzung von Streuobstwiesen als Lern- und Erlebnisort zu gewinnen. Der Fokus liegt zunächst auf Grundschulen, wird aber sukzessive auf andere Schulformen erweitert.

Da die Projektschwerpunkte bei vollständiger Umsetzung miteinander verzahnt sind ist für die Pilotierung (Start möglichst noch im Jahr 2021) von einer ein- ggf. zweijährigen Laufzeit auszugehen. Die weiteren Inhaltsblöcke können parallel entwickelt und auch erprobt werden. 
Current status (as of July 14, 2022):
The project had to pause for many months in 2020 and 2021 due to the Corona pandemic and is therefore still in the Initiative phase.

ThePlanning of offers for schools The necessary review of existing concepts was completed in 2020. In addition, discussions have been held with the actors of the existing offers and activities for Wiesbaden schools. The program we have created on the basis of existing concepts includes elements for integration into lessons. On the other hand, it includes ideas for excursions and for supporting schools with project or action days. Due to the current focus on primary schools, the focus will initially be on excursions and, if necessary, action days. With the planned expansion to other types of schools, the offers will be (gradually) expanded, especially with regard to other teaching formats and the support of project weeks with the main topic of "orchards". In the next step, the draft concept will be discussed with potential cooperation partners for the provision of the offers and checked by them for feasibility.

For the construction ofSchool sponsorships In 2019 and 2020, existing sponsorship models with a focus on "school forests" were examined and adapted for introduction in Wiesbaden and with the "Orchard Learning Site". In order to generate further information on the success factors of successful sponsorships, contacts are to be established with nature parks or nature park schools that already have experience with the "Orchard Learning and Experience Site". In discussions with the city of Wiesbaden, support for the project was promoted. The Environmental Agency has promised to support the search for suitable areas for activities on orchards and for the establishment of school sponsorships.

The required for piloting and implementationContacting Wiesbaden schoolshas been postponed for many months due to the Corona pandemic. In autumn 2021, the first schools in the eastern parts of the city were written to and further contacts were made in summer 2022. After the longer project break, the specific needs and the framework conditions for the use of orchards as a place of learning that may have changed due to the Corona period will also be analyzed. We are currently hoping to be able to start with the first measures and, if possible, a pilot of the overall concept in 2022.
Cooperation partners:
The project idea arose as part of our participation in the "Round Table for Orchards" initiated by our cooperation partner Naturefund.

The nature conservation organization Naturefund employs its own staff to maintain the orchards in Wiesbaden.Naturefund is therefore one of the potential cooperation partners for the implementation of the project. With the existing expertise, for example, care measures can be supported or students can be instructed in the care of the fruit trees.
Schulpatenschaften sollen möglichst auf Dauer angelegt sein. Die von Schulen genutzten Streuobstwiesen sollen zudem möglichst gut erreichbar sein. Ggf. wird es erforderlich, die Flächen für die Übernahme/Nutzung vorzubereiten. Auch sind entsprechende (langfristige) Vereinbarungen zwischen den Eigentümern und den Schulen vorzubereiten und zu treffen. 
Die Stadt Wiesbaden hat uns bereits in 2020 ein positives Feedback zur Projektinitiative gegeben. Das Umweltamt hat zugesagt, die Suche nach geeigneten Streuobstflächen für die Nutzung durch Schulen zu unterstützen. Auch sind weitere Formen der Unterstützung, zum Beispiel bei der Findung geeigneter/interessierter Schulen denkbar. 
Unterstützen auch Sie unser Projekt "Vielfalt vor unserer Tür: Streuobstwiesen als Lern- und Erlebnisort" durch Abschluss einer Projektpatenschaft (Stichwort im Verwendungszweck: "Projektpatenschaft Streuobstschule"). 
Mehr Informationen zu unseren Projekt- und Bildungspatenschaften finden Sie hier.
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