Sustainable living and business in Mexico: The "Casita de Barro" project in the state of Puebla
Überarbeitet am 06.10.2023 - PIENSA!-Stiftung
Angefangen hat alles mit der ganz persönlichen Suche nach einem nachhaltigerem Leben. Doch schon kurz nachdem Ina und Manuel, die Initiatoren des Projekts "Casita de Barro", in einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe der Millionenstadt Puebla damit begonnen hatten wurde Schritt für Schritt viel mehr daraus. Heute werden die Dorfbewohner durch partizipative Bildungsmaßnahmen dabei unterstützt, ihre natürlichen Ressourcen zu erhalten, das indigene Wissen wiederzubeleben und alternative, nachhaltige Bewirtschaftungsmodelle auszuprobieren.
Von September 2022 bis August 2023 war Sandy Jotzer aus Hamburg im Rahmen ihres vom DRK-Landesverband Badisches Rotes Kreuz e.V. organisierten Freiwilligendienst im Casita de Barro. Bereits vor dem Abschluss ihres Bachelor-Studiums war ihr klar, dass sie noch einmal Erfahrungen in einem anderen Land sammeln will. Und der Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit war ihr dabei sehr wichtig.
Seit September 2023 sind Fiona Sippel aus Schleswig-Holstein und Nele Onstein aus Berlin dort. Wir freuen uns, auch die beiden bei ihrem Freiwilligendienst unterstützen zu können. Und natürlich freuen wir uns auch über weitere Berichte aus diesem tollen Projekt.
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Photos: Sandy Jotzer
Photo: Sandy Jotzer
My last months in Mexico: Further steps in the educational project and the initiation of a school garden
14.08.2023- Sandy Jotzer
“When we enjoy the moment, we don’t even notice how quickly time passes.”
For me, it was not just a moment, but several beautiful and eventful months that flew by. A lot has happened since my last report that I would like to tell you about. Most recently, I told you about the environmental education project that we ran in two fourth grade classes at the village's primary school until mid-April. This went so well that we picked it up again in June and ran another six hours at the school.
Worm compost and homemade tortillas: My environmental education project in a Mexican village school
29.03.2023- Sandy Jotzer
A few months have now passed and I have been able to gain an insight into the various projects at my place of work and also start implementing my own small environmental education project at school. Since there is always a lot going on at work, I definitely don't get bored.
Since January, new students have been coming to help us at work every day, completing the social service required by their studies. Together with them, I look after the beds and plants, produce fertilizers, work in bio-construction, or dig and prepare holes for planting a "bosque comestible", i.e. for planting fruit trees.
"Casita de Barro": How can we live a sustainable life while strengthening the local economy?
22.11.2022 - Sandy Jotzer
Hola! My name is Sandy, I am 24 years old and this year I finished my bachelor's degree in health sciences in Hamburg. Since I really wanted to get out into the big wide world again after my bachelor's degree and do something meaningful at the same time, I went to Mexico as part of a Weltwärts volunteer service with the DRK regional association of the Baden Red Cross.
As I write this report, I have already been here for over two months, working for the organization “Casita de Barro,” which is dedicated to new, sustainable living models in the village of San Jerónimo Tecuanipan.