Von Buchen, Mammutbäumen und den Fähigkeiten der Sperbereule ...
02.10.2019 - PIENSA!-Stiftung, Susanne Haas
What do the fruits of the beech tree actually look like and is it true that you can eat beech nuts? Why does the giant sequoia have a very thick, soft bark and where can you actually find the seeds of the fruit?
Together with children from the autumn holiday camp at the Fasanerie, I was able to listen to exciting stories about the beech tree and the large, hundreds of years old sequoia tree as part of an observation period.
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Photos (on this page): PIENSA! Foundation
The oldest sequoias are in western North America and are over 3,000 years old. They can grow up to 95 meters tall and have a diameter of up to 12 meters.
The bark of the giant sequoia develops over many years to protect against forest fires. The seeds are located in the cones and can be easily removed by gently tapping them.
Scarlett Arian, an employee of the Fasanerie nature education center and the leader of the holiday group, knows the special features of trees and can therefore talk about exciting topics in nature.
Um später zuhause einen eigenen Mammutbaum anzupflanzen, sammelten die Kinder eifrig Samenkörner aus den Zapfen in ihre zuvor gebastelten Papiertütchen.
…viele Samen ergeben in vielen Jahren einen Mammut-Wald ...
bemerkt Josephine die jüngste Teilnehmerin der Freizeit…
Auf dem Weg zur Sperbereule mit Pause auf dem Spielplatz lernten wir, dass die Eule eine ganz besondere Fähigkeit hat. Sie kann den Kopf ganz nach hinten drehen und hat so ihre komplette Umgebung immer gut im Blick.
After the lunch break and studying the hawk owl, the question was: "Who can make the most beautiful owl?" With paint boxes, glue and the collected treasures such as feathers and beech nuts, great works of art were created. In the late afternoon, it was time to feed the animals.
Everyone was excited about the final visit to the new haystack and was already looking forward to the next day of their holiday camp in the pheasantry, with fire and stick bread, carving and a visit to an animal enclosure.
Mit schönen Erlebnisse im Rucksack machte ich mich auf den Heimweg und stellte fest, dass mir der Tag mit den fröhlichen, unbeschwerten Kindern draußen in der Natur besonders viel Freude bereitet hat.
Schade, dass ich morgen nicht auch wieder dabei sein kann ...