Gemeinsam für die Natur - Mithelfen , engagieren, dabei sein
Whether you are a private individual, club, school or company, your help makes our conservation work possible.
Please contact us if you would like to support projects, contribute ideas or help with our foundation work.
Donate instead of giving - a celebration for nature!
At your next anniversary or birthday party, simply give nature a gift and ask your friends and guests to donate.
A gift to protect our livelihoods.
Start a fundraiser!
There are many occasions to collect donations. A charity run, a flea market, a neighborhood party or a company anniversary can be the reason for your own fundraising campaign.Work together with friends, colleagues and neighbors to protect nature and species.
We appreciate any support. Help us!
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Unser Spendenkonto:
PIENSA!-Stiftung für Naturschutz und Naturbildung
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN DE84 4306 0967 6053 7598 00
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Even small donations have a big impact.
...and here you can find our partners and projects