Detail_DAF Seminar Luisa

PIENSA! Foundation promotes seminar place on Dynamic Agroforestry

03.11.2019 - PIENSA!-Stiftung
Dynamic agroforestry (DAF) is a reforestation and cultivation method based on the knowledge of the indigenous peoples of Latin America. Our cooperation partner Naturefund learned about this innovative planting method in Bolivia and is now using it successfully not only in the dry highlands of Bolivia, but also in Madagascar and several other countries.

DAF creates a dynamic plant system that leads to healthy plants, high yields and increased resilience to drought and heavy rain. Dynamic agroforestry is therefore a response to the challenges of climate change. As the demand for support in implementation from farmers, urban planners and many others is increasing, Naturfund offers a multi-level trainer training course in DAF.

Agroforestry methods have long been the focus of scientific attention due to their effect on soil ecology and soil improvement. Since the method used by Naturefund can create "edible forests" in a very short time even on barren land, it is not only of interest to nature conservationists when reforesting previously cleared forests, but also to NGOs that are involved in development aid.
Photo: Luisa Kluthe
In order to make the method better known among young people, the PIENSA! Foundation sponsored a seminar place in October for Luisa Kluthe, a young student of civil and environmental engineering at the Technical University of Hamburg. Participation in the basic seminar offered by Naturefund was of great importance for her bachelor's thesis, which she is writing at Professor Ralf Otterpohl's Institute for Wastewater Management and Water Protection. After completing the seminar, Luisa came to the following conclusion: "I am convinced that agroforestry systems are an important part of our future. I am now wondering how these, and in particular the DAF, can be applied in real, economically oriented agriculture." We are excited to hear her answer in her bachelor's thesis.

Learn more about the Dynamic Agroforestry method at
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