The wolf is also one of them. Its return to Germany is one of the great successes in nature conservation. But of course there is also a lot of discussion about the return of wolves to our cultural landscape.
Unlike the people in Romania or Bosnia, the Germans have theLiving together with the big five has been forgotten. The willingnessto step back, to give space, to accept disadvantages, to achieve equal rightsis rather low in this country. With a specialWildlife management is an attempt by the authorities to ensure the coexistence of large animalimmigrants and the local people, in big cities the sympathylarge, but rather small in rural areas. There is still a lot of convincing work to be done andBetter financial compensation is required, especially in the event of damage.
But it is not just wildlife management and a well-organized administration that assesses the inevitable damage in each individual case and ensures financial compensation that is crucial. The decisive factor will be whether people in rural areas are prepared to live together with a piece of wild nature again. Restoring this willingness can only be achieved through a process that includes all those affected. The younger generation in particular must be given a perspective on how wild nature and income generation go together. In some very sparsely populated areas, however, it should also be examined whether nature can be given priority over economic use.