
Insektensterben - ein ernstes und reales Problem

03.01.2020- PIENSA! Foundation
What is the extent and consequences of the insect extinction? What are the main causes of the insect extinction and what could help the insects?

From the beginning of December 2019 to the end of February 2020, the exhibition "Insect Life / Insect Extinction" was on display at the Umweltladen Wiesbaden and drew attention to the phenomenon of insect extinction.
Using art objects from the Mainz-Wiesbaden illustrator group and information boards, the causes and consequences of insect extinction were described and information was provided on what can be done to protect insects.
Foto: Sandra Malz ( auf
The exhibition was accompanied by an extensive supporting programme of readings and lectures, which focused on the diversity of insects and their fundamental importance for the survival of plants, animals and humans. A flyer was also offered, which is still available at can be downloaded.
From Wednesday, January 8,The exhibition was expanded with 50 close-ups by photographer Sandra Malz, which showed the hidden beauty of insects. At 2.30 p.m. Andreas Kowol, Head of the Department for Environment, Green Areas and Transport, introduced the exhibition.

On 23 Januarywas the documentary by award-winning nature filmmaker Jan Haft "The Meadow - a Paradise Next Door" was shown in the Caligari Filmbühne.

At aReading on 29 January From the book "The Great Insect Extinction", the entomologist and author Dr. Andreas Segerer explained the connections and showed what needs to be done now. The author Eva Rosenkranz gave practical tips on how everyone can contribute to ensuring that the insects do not fall silent.
In the Lecture "Insects – Colorful Diversity on Six Legs" it wenton 13 Februaryabout the biology and biodiversity of insects. Professor Dr. Daniel Dreesmann from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz gave an insight into the similarities and differences between the more than one million insect species found worldwide.

Some special features from the insect kingdom were presented. For example, the walking leaf stick insect was not only on display during the exhibition, but the public could also hold it in their own hands for closer observation.
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